Friday, January 15, 2010

How many couples lived together before they got married?

My mother says that a couple that lives together before they get married usually don't get married, Her feelings is that a man don't respect a woman if he don't marry her first. I've known couples that lived together 6-12 months before they got married. I would like to know just how many couples that got married after living together for a while. How long did you live together? Did you regret living together before marriage?How many couples lived together before they got married?
thats a pretty silly ideal....

In this day in age living together prior to marriage is very common.

My wife and I lived together prior to marriage and I still love, adore and respect her just the same as when we dated. Personally I think living together prior to marriage helped out marriage out a great deal, the transition after marriage was smooth, we already knew eachothers living habits and learned more about eachothers strengths and weaknesses.

So ';did I regret it?'; not at all, I'm thankful for it.How many couples lived together before they got married?
well if you live with your fiance first then you know what your getting yourself into, and knowing more info. on how your fiance lives is half the battle. Personally I'd like to live with a girl before we get married, because I wouldn't like to find out that she doesn't like to cook, clean, or pick up. Cleanliness is always a big factor, know what your getting yourself into before you make the OMEGA shenran Commitment
if you should want to move in with your fiance before marriage i say go for it, but it does kind of drain the excitement of living togethor in a house after your married, doesnt it? it feels the excat same way except you have a ring on your finger. im ny personal opinion i'd vote against it but in your case, do whatever you feel you should do.
I keep trying but ever time I do my mom starts yelling Christian stuff, saying I'm a whore, and disobeying Jesus, and stops paying for my collage and canceled a class, that delayed me in graduating, that delayed my marriage, by 1.5 years.

most of my cousins, or friends lived together and then worked problems out, and got situated. I've been trying to do this, cause I don't want marriage to come then, fight about stupid habits he or I have. I think it builds a better bond cause you need each other to get thru both months. I could never afford to do it on my own, him either, so with out each other we are screwed actually makeing us closer, when we were doing that. now he is living there and I am at home still paying my half.

also if the man is marrying you and already respects you and will be living with you eventually, then why would he randomly disrespect you. thats kinda stupid.

also some people who are very strong with no sex before marriage, don't live together before hand.
Your mamma is right. I've been living with my man for 18+ years. We have a great relationship and I wouldn't have it any other way but if you want to marry this guy, then don't live with him first. Why let him have his cake and eat it? Good luck girl!
We are not still living together but he won't look at me anymore . I'm kicking him to the curb but he still won't leave!
Hi Angel,

Between you and me...your mum is a wise girl....for your own sake ONLY.

Love and best wishes.
Here is the thing yes, a lot of people that live together first don't end up getting married, either because they changed their minds about the partner (avoided a devorce-personal experience on this one, so glad I found some things out first before it was too late) or they loved eachother so much that they were comfy with the way things were.

Of my friends that did get married after living together, well some of the ones that got married were just doing it in an attempt to try to save their relationship, they blamed everything on not being married and so they used getting married as a bandaid for holding their relationship together. The friends I had that live together first that actually worked out, well they were the ones that went into with a plan (i.e. we will live together for 6 months then get married).

Your mom is right in a way, some men do lose respect for you when you live with them, they are playing house, because they don't have to risk marrying you to be with you, you are almost a wife to them, why marry you? But then would you really want to be with a guy like this?

Just some info to think about, I am glad that I lived with my ex, I am so glad I didn't marry him. And don't think that all couples are doomed to failure just because they have lived together, most wouldn't have worked out anyway. The ones that do are stronger for it in my opionion. If I were you I would stay with my boyfriend every weekend, and then try to stay with him for a week straight just to get a feel for living with him.

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