Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What is the average attractiveness disparity between couples?

When rated on a scale of 1-10, how much difference is there be in the attractiveness of the male and female. Is the girl normally higher upon the scale, and how acceptable is this in the social setting? Can also consider the reverse (more attractive male and less attractive female). This is for my sociology class, I am not some person obsessed with looks. Thanks a lot.What is the average attractiveness disparity between couples?
2-3 usually. female being rated higher.

this is very acceptable as it is very common. take a look around.

the reverse is not as common and not as acceptable as women are prized for their looks.What is the average attractiveness disparity between couples?
I'm not being sexist or anything but....I believe that the female is more attractive. I'm not being lesbian!!!! It's just that we have longer hair and fairer and softer skin. Better complexion. But hell guys are hott too.

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