Friday, January 15, 2010

Is there an Army regulation stating that married couples have to stay together overseas?

My husband and I are getting ready to deploy together. We are one of two married couples on this deployment. I was wondering if there are any Army Regulations out there that state that we have to be kept in the same sleeping quarters while deployed. If anyone at all can help me with this question that would be GREAT!!! Thanks all!Is there an Army regulation stating that married couples have to stay together overseas?
NO. There is no regulation. If you are in the same unit your chain of command can, if they choose, put you in the same quarters. Now if you are in different platoons, squads or what have you, you may be on different FOBs anyway. Either way... it falls on your chain of command! Good Luck!Is there an Army regulation stating that married couples have to stay together overseas?
You CAN stay in the same sleeping quarters but there is no requirement either way.

To the best of my knowledge, it can be found in general order 1a but is left up to the discretion of the commander.
There is No such Regulation...

End of Story...

Think you have the Army mixed up with
Nope but you can if the base commander allows it/has room
Not mandatory.

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