Friday, January 15, 2010

What is the best form of marriage for couples living in advanced economies?

Are traditional marriages effective, or is it necessary to seek new relationship modes?What is the best form of marriage for couples living in advanced economies?
i strongly believe that marriage is not necessary

i think we definitely need new relationship models

marriage is rooted in the church and not being religious I do not identify with that tradition.

two people can love each other and have a productive life without the ';sanctity of marriage'; and still have the commitment with the piece of paper.

Humans have lived in bond with one another for thousands upon thousands of years before marriage was invented. The only reason it is so important is because humans have put that weight on it.

I also believe that having multiple mates is another possibility during our evolution. Having ';open'; relationships and having bonds with more than one person.

sexuality is very fluid and can change over time. If we hold ourselves to the traditional marriage model we confine ourselves and not living truly to ourselves.

This may not be right for everyone at this time but I think the possibility is out there and there should not be the judgment and shame that is so often linked to alternate lifestyles.What is the best form of marriage for couples living in advanced economies?
I think that every couple needs to decide for themselves what is best for them. You cannot force structure on people. Free choice is the best option.

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